Capturing experiences in the form of pictures is extremely important to me. On the one hand, I can relive memories and of course, share the many great places and wildlife of our planet with you.


On the other hand, it gives me the possibility to escape the everyday bustle of my professional life.


But first things first, my foremost experience with a camera wasn’t actually based on the interest of taking pictures, but the many buttons and knobs of my mother’s fancy looking SLR body. Not sure how many film rolls I waisted at this stage. It wasn't until a bit later my attention changed and I gradually gained the necessary skills required to take at least a couple of good pictures out of a roll of film.


The very first camera I owned was a Canon Ixus 3 and it was a steady companion for all of my pictures above sea level. Since a young age I have always been magically attracted to all kinds of water. I started very early with snorkelling and ever since, the underwater world has fascinated me. For me it was soon clear that, I was too far away from the exciting, bright organisms deep down on the sea bottom and, my camera needed to be my companion below sea level too.


My current camera set up is a Canon 5D IV and it serves me well in both above sea level and below sea level. Over time I have also learnt a lot about my photographic journey whilst sharing some of the best images of this stunning planet we call Earth.


Since 2006, after becoming a qualified scuba diver, I have been furtunate enough to be able to combine 2 of my favourite hobbies and my passion for both is only getting stronger. With any chance I get I will set off on a new adventure somewhere in the world to explore the wonders and capture some great images.


I hope you enjoy looking through my pictures.


